Tuesday, June 22, 2010

people hate losing more than death

There is a little girl living in a small village with her family. She is six years old. There are five people in her family: her parents, her old brother and her grandmother. Her parents are very busy; they plant, water, haevest in their farm from dawn to dark every day. Her grandmother does some housework.

The little girl goes to kindergarten every morning by herself. The kindergarten is on the other side of the river, so she has to cross the river by boat. Although toys are very old and stories told by her teacher are boring, she likes to go to kindergarten. She never misses her class since she always has a lot of fun in kindergarten. However, when she comes back home, she feels lonely. There are no interesting books or toys in her home. She has nothing to do, but talkes with her grandmother, because her grandmother also feels lonely.

One evening, grandmother tells the little girl about death. This old lady has no religious faith, and she is so scared of death, so sometimes she needs to have someone to talk about death. She expresses that death means people will vanish from the earth. Dead people cannot meet family members and friends any more, and their body will be placed under dark earth, then gradually eaten by worms.

The little girl is terrified by death very much. She run into her room. Her room is in the attic. When she is lying in bed, she thinks life is meaningless and boring, and death is inevitable. The waiting time for death is too long, which makes her feel pain and desperation. She tries to find someway to end her life, but even killing herself is meaningless.

Dinner time is coming. Mother askes her to come downstairs to have dinner with her family members. She refuses, because she does not want to eat anything. Eating dinner cannot save her from the coming death. She is just lying in bed lonley. The room is dark and cold. She even does not want to turn on the light, because brightness cannot help her to escape from death either.

After dinner, her old brother comes into her room. He is ten years old. He wants to play cards with his sister. At the beginning, the little girl is not willing to play cards since she is thinking about death. Playing cards is so meaningless to her! However, her brother is annoying, and insistes on it. She has no choice but chose to play cards. Her brother is very good at playing cards. At the beginning of their game, her brother wins alot, and she loses all the time. The brother is so proud of himself; he laughs at her about her bad luck and terrible technique. The girl becomes angry and starts to play cards seiously. At the end of their game, she eventually wins.

She is satisfied and feels a little tired. She falles into sleep. On the second day, she goes to the kindergarten by boat. She foegets all the dealth thing.


  1. I like the story very much. Can I also read the play?

  2. while reading the story i had exactly the same idea...before the end came...
    Every one is afraid of death...within or without the religion...thinking about death will make us acting like a six years old little girl...but eventually all people are distracting them selves to forgat about death...so enjoying every second in life is the key ,we should take the maximum of advantage of life this is the conclusion
    By the way...her grandmother most be realy strict...how could she tell a six years old girl about a dead body eaten by worm!
